Wednesday, February 25, 2009

25 Feb - Lelaki berseluar merah

haha.smlm pbl best sgt2!! sbb sume org cam da baik2 la..hehe. this week case pasal anak late pregnancy de pyakit down syndromme. my objective is about caeserean and phhysiology of labour. okla tu kan? hehe.sebab aku jadi scribe, aku ley la amek yg mane aku nak.jahat?? ala..macam korg sume xpenah buat je..haha. si feeza xdelah sombong cam aku sangkekan.yg lain2 tu xdela nerd mane pon. ok je.masuk je.. tula..fers impression always like this. ahah~ da tau da name yg x diketahui tu. sakinah. cam name org melayu kan? huhu. tp die saudi. cantik. haha. nk tau kesah lawak smlm? smlm ktorg diberi peluang nk objektif mane...sume org dok berfikir aiman ngan ain berebut nak objektif satu. tapi dorg berebut lam bahase melayu la kan... sorg cakap, aku nk dulu..sorg cakap kita o jus..tbe2 out of hazem (bdk arab) kate..(after pikir2 nk yg mne)..."I want number 1". haha~ kitorg sume gelak. ye la kan. kan dah ade due org tgh berebut pasal obj nombor 1 tuh..die dgn muke xpahamnye teros tye knpe.. haha. ape2 je la hazem.

well, ada satu rahsia nk btaw ni.this is a top secret ek..jgn btaw org len..hihi

aku ade minat/usha sorg bdk laki ni. tak tau budak die mmg bdk mesia lah. haha. suke tgok die. hensem. haha,die takla hensem mane pun tapi ade style lah..penah nmpak mase last sem. die gi kelas pakai seluar trek je! igt lagi kaler merah. haha! mase tuh cam benci lah die coz ye lah pegi kelas pakai la smart2 seluar trek?? xke poyo?? but then, that feeling teros tukar..."hensem gak bdk ni". haha~ then die cam muke baik je. but i think there's something interesting bout him. and thats why i love to usha him. huhu. xsame praktikal but same kuliah KOWT. haha~ well..enough bout him. let's step on the real world. haha~

selsema tak reda lagi..batuk ade sikit. smlm g library. best! xyah beli buku dah. ade je kat sane sume. timi da balik smlm from sarawak. brg2 kat die xamek lagi. haih~nnt2 la.weekend nih. malas tol nk nek atas..gaggaga~bapak tukar number maxis cz fon celcom die disekat. mak n dedek2 sume ok je. rindunyer dorg sume!!! haih~

ari ni terpikir...bile nk jumpe the other half of me..but, yeah, i know. Allah always have someone special for me. and it's not my job to find out when n who. HE already arranged it for me. let it going naturally. and i know, that time will come..(if dgn lelaki berseluar merah tu ok gak!! **gediqs**) haha~

Monday, February 23, 2009

23 Feb - 4 kisah

Kisah 1

ari ni barulah tenet umah aku dipasang balek. ngeks nyer GMN..haih~ xpaham tol la..die kate tenet die putuskan sbb ktorg xbayar bil tenet. tapikan..bile mase lak dorg kutip duit tenet? dah xmintak..xkan ktorg nk byr lak tbe2..macam2 tol la org gmn. SEYEZLI! nak pindah..tapi if nk pindah kene pindah satu rumah teros la..masalahnye..xtau nk cari umah mane neh. ari tu si ain..bdak medic mesir..satu pb,ade ajak sekali umah ngan die. tapi de satu bilik je lagi. ktrg nk sebilik sorg. plus, bukannye ktorg de sorg je, ktorg berlima! haih~payah2..

Kisah 2

sem 2 da start, which means new pbl group la kan.. so far..ok la..but since x kenal lagi still feel the 'awkwardness' die la..stakat ni, group ktorg ade 12..10 melayu, 1 mansura, 1 arab saudi.. 7 laki2, 5 pompuan..well,paling bestnyer kisah pbl diz sem, i called my pbl..PBL BANGSAWAN. kenape? hehe..b4 that, let me intoduce u to some of my pbl groupmate..yang diingat je la..yang xigt tuh..nnt2 masuk la next post ke..ek?

1. Rosal (male)
>> 1st scribe dalam group, agak tegas, agak aktif, kecik2, rambut juntai2, ntahla..ok je KOWT. bdk mane ntah..GMN KOWT

2. Arham (male)
>> 1st chairman, agak boleh bercakap dengan die, cam lawak sikit perangai pompuan sikit2 kowt, ala2 pemalu gitu, and ok kowt.

3. Tengku Afiq
>> kawan si arham. ni bdk gmn gak rasenyer, muke bek semacam, nerd, sopan, baik..baik..n baik.. muke die mmg cam bdak laki yg baik.. kecik2 n cmm pendiam je..

4. Muaz
>> tengok die teringat ape name die ek..bdk KMPP dulu..ape ntah. same group gak. haha.pakai specks. agak may be xley masok ngan die.but, die ok je kowt. ade negativity je..jgn mara ek <-- fers impression je.

5. Azizi
>> baru tau name die semalam. hehe. muke abg2 PCM. mcm doktor2 gak la..agak...nerd! yup1 that's it, nerd. serius je blaja...macam ala2 iskandar. haha.

6. Aiman
>> bdk mne ntah. fers impression.........gilenyer irritating muke die!! camxsuke pbl ni je. lek2 la bro ek..aku pun xsuke gak..tapi, on je...perasaan tu kan boleh dipupuk nanti2..haha. fers yang i like bout him is we both agreed so all of us do all the objectives. then, malangnye, bdk2 pompuan len xmo. nk buat satu2..xmo!!!! aiman, kte fight for it same2!!!!

7. Hazem
>>bdk mansura. baru je masuk smlm2. so masuk2 je da dapat note, tp xkesah cz esok die kene present gak objectives bout menstrual n ovulation hormone <<>

8. Puteri Ain
>> aina x suke cz die kawan baiik gile ngan adam. (mase die xsuke adam la..skang, huh~hampeh! siap penah kuar ngan adam lagi tuhh) haha. die cam..ntah, baikla. fers person yg tegor mase masuk pbl. die la ain yang dimaksudkan kat atas, haha. baik..baik..n BAIK!

9. Feeza
>>baru tau name smlm mase dapat handout die..maaf ye kak? haha. die baik tp cam kerek je..................

10. Sharifah Sarah
>> xsuke die! fers impression xsuke die. but, i know that die baek. fers impression je. haha.. sbb die cam nk ikot kpala die..kerek. n bile nk cakap ngan die,KEREK! dowh~

11. .............
>> bdk arab saudi..ok kowt. x igt muke die pon. bagi aku, muke bdk saudi sume same. haha
baru masuk smlm gak

e'eh..!!! aku igt sume la!! (except that saudi girl!) haha~ bagus gak aku ni ek? so, dpt figure out x nape aku namekan group aku PBL Bangsawan?? sbb group aku ade TENGKU, SHARIFAH, and PUTERI!!! haha~
p/s: tutor :: dr.salwa yg xbest! (sbb die cam xtau pape sgt...)

Kisah 3


20 februari, friday

my birthday! aku da berumur 19 tahun!! aduh~makin meningkat..haha. nxt yer.. welcome tuh umur 20-an.haha.dapat kek dari hozmate n kak azi. sdp2! adiah dapt lotion, set mandian, n ketam rmbut, dpt pen dari kucai gak. whaterver it is, the most valuable present Allah had given me another year of happiness n laugh n smile!! thanks korg! n bapak n family pon wish gak,,rindunyer dorg sume!!!

Kisah 4

i catch flu n cold (skrg tgh minum vit c). haiya..sore agak berubah..seb bek tak terok..haiya..oh ye..diz sem ktorg blaja pasal life cycle. haha. so, jumpe masalah pregnancy je la spnjg sem. haha

so inilah kisah spnjg beberapa ari x kongsi citer kat blog nieh. haha..xde yg best, tapi what adding flavor in life?? these all...a day is never be the same..................

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

18 Feb - Slow Dance

today i woke up at 8 am. sort lipas kudung cz nk g kelas kol 8.30.but slmat je smpi kat kelas. plus, de masalah teknikal la plak tadi. xdpt on computer lam hall. haha~mcm2 tollah mesir nih. papejelah. so, for lecture td x sempat nk abeskan sbb dah terambik mase for betulkan komuter "canggih" tuh. then, ade practical...for 30 minutes.haha~just to know where is fallopian tube n ovaries. haha~but then xtau nak wat pe, g masuk lecture org lain...lg terok actually cz lg byk ckp arab.hai...but at least ley revise kan? *think positive* hihi

There's going to be moments in life where you are going to want to turn back - that's when you have to go on
think about it..its true right?

tadi de perjumpaan ngan pegawai kementerian pengajian tinggi. ade lah dalam 5 org pegawai. saje nk tanye kabar budak2 mesia kat bumi bertuah ini.hihi..bile dgr bdk2 dentist mgadu, masalh dorg lagi byk dr ktorg. haih~tu la..kite slalu igt kite la yang paling worst. byk masalah. padahal, if we do have any prob, look those who are worser. we never thankful for what we got. we always rushing n rushing to get what we want. until we forgot the most important thing; live our life. we missed all the parts of it. yeah, mesir is not like malaysia. it's more..ya, rough. haha~ to be in other place, is to be in other place. the other party also the same, IBN, inysaAllah bukrah n- stand for ape ntah..x take note pe walid cakap.hihi.

Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day?
On the fly?
When you ask
How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?

You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"

You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.

Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over

it is a poem of life...give me a new leaf to turn over. why? cause we never satisfied for whatever we have. yes, it is us. a human. normal human being. just like other.ARROGANT N GREEDY.

betol x? huhu..kite slalu arrogant dlam hidup kite. pandang dunia dari satu arah je. yg lain? hum..cube sesekali kite tgok dr kaca mata org lain. put ourselves in others' shoes. then, we might be getiing the answers of life there, when no one hear we ask.

p.s: tadi makan burger n nasi free

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

17 Feb - pbl n atika??!

tadi pegawai MARA datang..byk la ceramah yg diberi oleh ayahanda n walid. huhu. pasal jage name baik MARA la apelagi kan? haha. esok walid nk g gam'ah cz nk settlekan pasal kes yuran tuh. byk songeh tol la U mansourah ni. haih~n lagi satu berita yg mmngejutkan~ nxt yer 1400 org student mesia akn masok for manchester programme ni lagi... argh!! xest..mcm kat mesia dah jadinye mansurah ni..xsuke2!!! x termasok mara lagi. haih~
tadi da masok pbl baru. number 16. hesh~again, sorg2 je bdk mara. n yg lain cam xest je..rindu grup lame. nafiz, syakirah,shekeen, n sume2 tu lah...terserempak ngan nafiz, rambut cam pompuan dah..haih~haha! ut it;s still early to make judgement right? hihi. baru balek dari menunaikan janji ngan encik illmie tuh~haih. ktorg 3 mkn cecah 107.75 kowt..haha! xpaham tol lah..tapi kat paris dulu lagila..die blanje ktorg due 6 euro sorg kowt.lagilah mahal kan??? kire beruntung la ktorg..hihi. tadi borak2 pasal kesah cinta masing. start ngan illmie.

Episode 1 : Kisah cinta Illmie

die kenal atika time f4 baru nyer pendaftaran, as sdie is ALK koop..same like me..n juruaudit! (same as me too..just aku juruaudit dalaman, die both). then die cam terpikat lah cz die comel..bak kate die..."cam ade satu feeling lain". haha! cinta itu buta! kui3. then, die pon usha punye usha..last2 couple. but then, dorg clash.bile ditanye sape yg dump sape, dgn banggenye si illmie tu ckp.."aku" (ni la laki..) haha~ reason die:

  1. pompuan tu sensitif. bile reply msg lmbt sikit, die marah..(cam aina jer)
  2. die cam rase inferior...illmie g oversea..bla..bla..bla..camtulah lbh kurang.haha
  3. start jauhkan diri from illmie.

tu la kot reasons die..ala..point penting die ni la>> die sendiri yg ckp eh..haha.

Episode 2 : Kisah cinta Aina

actually dah tau SESANGAT cite die xpelah.nk diabadikan kat blogku ini..haha. couple for 3 years. clash tyme kat UKM. igt lg aina dtg bilik. nanges! haih~cinta tu mmg myakitkan but ley jadi penawar jugak kan. aina yg mintak clash..haih..biaselah tuh..gadoh2 kan..last2, ha kene kau, clash betol2. haha..but die cam ex awek illmie tu la (fers reason). die kene org bg perhatian kat die. aina ni jenis yg demand attention from balak. so, anyone nk jadi balak die, preparekan diri anda mnjadi bahan marahan, haha!

Episode 3 : Kisah cinta Aku

cite aku senang jer...XDE KESAH CINTA.. haha~xpernah sekali pun bercinta. well, i have thus one perspective. i want to love n to be loved by this one person who r gonna be my heart for the lifetime. sort of utk kahwin terus la. aku malas la nk pikir pasal couple2 nih..die cam...haih~byk tol masalah die.well, 1 more thing, i dun want him to love me cz what i am, i wanna him love me cz who i am too. not outside, but the inside too. love me as the way i am.

Perhaps love is, a state of mind

Or a feeling deep within

That grows and blooms most every day

For the joy that it can bring

Perhaps love is, so fleeting

Like the blinking of an eye

One minute it is with us

Then the next, it passes by

Perhaps love is, so many things

That we cannot contemplate

Like pure and raw emotions

Or our destiny and fate

Perhaps love is, most everything

That causes us to crave

For things that cannot ever be

From the cradle to the grave

Perhaps love is,the unison

Of two people who are one

Entwined in each and every way

From dawn till setting sun

Perhaps love is, the tie that binds

Through life and death as well

To meet again beyond the grave

Be it heaven, be it hell

Perhaps love will, find us one day

So true without deceit

And make us feel that we are whole

Then set our hearts to beat

Perhaps love can, give reason to

Believe in destiny

And someday soon, there will be love

For you, as well as me

perhaps love by frank maguire

Monday, February 16, 2009

16 Feb - bosan..dan tetap bosan..

camne nak cakap nih..haih~mmg totally hari yang membosankan. yg xley blah die, esok da start
kelas balik. dgn NEW groupmates, of course. entah sapelah groupmate ku ini. haha~ari nih plan nk g menunaikan janji kat si illmie tuh kat cook door. haih~die plak tak dpt. dah la tgh lapar nih.. teringat puding roti n triffle. seyesli nk makan bnde2 tuh! nk buat tapi brg2 dapur sume dah abis. huhu. tgoklah nnt2 bile da rajen n rase kerajinan itu dtg. hihi. ari ni, dari td tgok citer supernatural season 3, but xmo abiskan..tggl bbrapa episode je lg.sayang! nnt da boring2 tgoklah..*coz season 4 tak dpt g*..haih, sambil menulis nih teringat koshari n ta'miyah..hehe. dah muak mkn nasi lah..bukan pe, selama kat paris ari tuh, tade mkn nasi pon. myb sbb masih terbiasa lagi.*gile pasan masih duk kat paris* haha. but rase nk masak macaroni cheese. but myb not today cz boleh je masak tp myk da tade. huhu. cheese aina ade. but, tu la..malas kan nk g kedai bawah. walaupun di depan rumah sje, tetapi oleh kerana ketiadaan lift, maka tangga itulah yang menjadi pnghalangnye..lah,,esok je la beli. gula pun da tade. haih..seyesli nk pindah rumah. rumah ni mahal sgt lorh..xmo la. result tak dapat lagi, bak kate pakcik pegawai kat pejabat tuh, kitorang nye fail x sampai2 lagi from MARA plus yuran pun lom byr lagi. hai,peliklah org malaysia nih. rasenye yg buat byk gile masalah org arab, kite as malaysians tak payahlah buat2 hal plak. hurm, pe susah, byr, dah. bukan ke dah 5 bulan dah ktorg hdup kat mansoura nih. mmg la ktorg cam tersisih sikit (yelah, fers tym MARA anta kat mansoura kan..), tapi it's their job to make sure the fee is paid right? it's nothing to do with us, but masalahnye, walaupun kitorg masih boleh mneruskan sem 2 tanpa mgetahui result, mestilah parents n dorg pon nk tau rsult sem 1 camne kan. n bolehlah aku cam ukur baju kat badan sendiri aku rase aku nye performance agak turunla for this sem 1 exam. haih~cant get the top scorer. but, it's ok. hope i got mumtaz la. huhu. my next target nnt top scorer!! yeah, but if xtau result, cmne nk tau ok ke tak kan? hurm...laparlah..k la, nk gi masak ape yg ader..myb macaroni cheese boleh sedap. sume bahan2 da ade. tggl nk masak je lagi..tapi...alahai, malaslah. masak je la megi asam laksa. sedap gak. hihi..k chiowz~